Rainbow Bloom Birthday Bouquet
Celebrate in style with this vibrant mix of rainbow-dyed chrysanthemums, our signature blue orchids, and fresh seasonal greenery. Topped with a handmade gold glitter number cutout, it’s a fun and colorful way to mark a special milestone!
Perfect for 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th birthdays, and more, this bouquet adds a bright and bold touch to any celebration.
Please note: As I am an independent florist with a focus on minimal waste practices, all fresh floral orders are made to order. Due to this, I need at least 2 business days' notice to arrange your order. For rush orders please call prior to ordering online to discuss what I can arrange for you - 0450 514 142.
If a particular flower or arrangement that you are interested in is not available online, please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss. As flowers are personally handpicked from local suppliers, a special order can be arranged or sourced for you.
Attention to Detail - What You Have Ordered
Due to seasonal availability with certain flowers, arrangements pictured on our website are a guide and may vary slightly in design, colours or appearance to the actual arrangement you receive. If a particular flower, product, or container is unavailable, we will communicate this prior, and an item of similar quality and value will be substituted.
Product Substitution
We endeavor to ensure all arrangements delivered are identical to the images advertised on our website, however flowers, plants, wrapping and containers are seasonal and can be subject to availability on the day of order.
Helena Rose will do their best to substitute the product that is unavailable at the time to compliment the image on the website. This policy applies so that we can ensure that the recipient receives the best possible blooms on the day of ordering/ pickup. We reserve the right to substitute goods of equal or greater value.